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Kirsty McCabe
Where are you from?
Kilmarnock, Ayrshire (home of Johnnie Walker whisky)
How did you get started in broadcasting?
I was working at New Scientist magazine when a colleague pointed out an advert for the Met Office seeking a Broadcast Meteorologist. He joked that I should apply, and the rest, as they say, is history.
When was that?
Ooh, back in 2001. Although some unforeseen circumstances meant I didn’t actually join the BBC Weather Centre until 2003. But as my neighbour told me: Whit’s fer ye will no go by ye.
Why News broadcasting?
As friends and family will testify I am rather obsessed by the weather. It’s a good job that most of the UK is as well!
Where else would have viewers seen or heard you before?
Probably in the pub.
What is your Best on-air moment?
So far I think my first ever live broadcast on News 24 still ranks as one of my favourites. My family and friends all got up early to watch and send congratulatory text messages. The banter with the news presenters can be very amusing too; you never know what they’ll throw to you with.
What is your Worst on-air moment?
A combination of night shifts and general blondeness does lead to some random phrases slipping out at times. I’ll say no more…
What would you like to do before your career ends?
A lot more of the same, it’s a great job! Although it would be nice to do some outside broadcasts from foreign (ie sunnier) climes. Non-weather ambitions? Well the make-up girls are always commenting on the length of my eyelashes, so perhaps I should start advertising mascara (waterproof for adverse weather conditions of course!).
What do you like to do in your spare time?
Sleep. Shifts can be pretty knackering, but a good gym session or a wee singsong with my local choir helps. If time and money allow then a trip away is always nice, even if it’s just visiting the clan in Scotland.
What advice would you give to anyone that would like to get into the broadcasting world?
Make sure you can bring other skills to the table; I wouldn’t have got this job without my science background.
A big thanks to Kirsty for taking part.