Rob Matheson – Q&A

HomeQuestions and AnswersRob Matheson – Q&A

Rob Matheson


Where are you from?
Glasgow, Scotland

How did you get started in broadcasting?
I worked on newspapers and magazines in London and the South East. When a new local radio station opened in Paisley I headed north – to find the reporter’s job wasn’t there but they wanted me to do the breakfast show because no-one wanted to get up early.

When was that?
Early ’90’s.

Why News broadcasting?
Because I believe all news everywhere affects all of us at some time. Because it can be terrifying and exhilarating. Because the public not only have a right to know – but should have an obligation to know.

Where else would have viewers seen or heard you before?
QFM, WestSound, Radio Scotland

What is your Best on-air moment?
Coming off air after my very first lunchtime bulletin. It was day one of the G8 summit at Gleneagles with protesting crowds swarming across nearby fields and surging through the streets of Edinburgh. Four live reports in sequence – one of which was unexpected and which fell off the air. We managed to get it back and get off air on time!

What is your Worst on-air moment?
Hmm…there’ve been loads. Probably best for others to judge.

What would you like to do before your career ends?
Do the best I can as often as I can

What do you like to do in your spare time?
Lots of travel, gardening, scuba diving, skiing, horse riding, meals with my wife and friends

What advice would you give to anyone that would like to get into the broadcasting world?
Know yourself, develop your interests and focus on them, be patient, do anything, develop a thick skin. Pay attention, don’t be arrogant and when you’re told something – LISTEN. There are so many more broadcasters out there now – use them. Be prepared to travel to get what you want. And don’t ever get on the wrong side of camera operators, sound operators, film editors – in fact anyone technical. They can easily make you or your stuff look or sound really bad on screen! And they probably know a hell of a lot more than you.

A big thanks to Rob for taking part.

Posted on Thursday 21 May 2009